By Jerome Coetzee
When you enter the building, you find yourself seated on colorful seats. With the fresh air of the Sea Point Ocean greeting you halfway, awakening your senses much like an ice-cold glass of water first thing in the morning – truly refreshing and relaxing at the same time, only later on do you find that this place is serious business. Their business is your financial future, independence and skills that cannot be taken away from you.
I am introduced to TD Markets Academy with ‘Empty yourself’ and ‘Is everybody with us’. In this vibrant office space, they welcome any race, gender or age. You find groups huddling, sharing knowledge and asking questions. While listening you hear predictions on the markets. The way forward is never easy, these predictions allow free thinking and understanding of what could be. TD Markets is redefining the narrative of trading and by that I reference the rampant scammers most have had the chance to engage with. On social media, you will find your DMs full of messages of pipe dreams. Scammers start off with basic questions, only to trap you with the end goal. We know this, question this and the idea on the table seems incredible, however, you know this is too good to be true. So, we delete, block and go on with life. In the back of my mind, I ask what could be if I could gain the knowledge of trading. The idea of where to start, the fear of not knowing and the scammers lurking brings me back to reality.

This is where TD Markets starts filling the gap to show that trading is a serious business and commitment. and life-changing. TD Markets Academy is the access to understanding trading. Providing a trading course based on theory, skills and consistency with their guidance. Your level of trading, we all can’t snap the skills immediately, is where you can start. They open their doors to trading as learning how to walk, with learning you fall, but it is getting back up that makes you a trader.
When you start you will fall, but speaking to course conveners Ashley Reeve and Tshepo, they mark this fall in the beginning as necessary. An early lesson of the trade, your consistency will calculate your future. When the question is asked ‘Is everybody with us’, the yes falls faint in the room. However, I think this question is asking, are you on the trading journey as a passion, are you in this field for the highs and lows. There are many highs and lows when it comes to trading. Highs and lows not only limited to your finances, but those weathered will tell you – shaped by your mind's perspective. Your attitude towards your journey. Your willingness to learn, gain experience and apply the information.
During the first session phrases such as world currency, pip and key levels are used. I noted that the language of trading sounds like an incantation/spell. Later, I added a note that this incantation is to give you the power to have control of your financial future. The course introduction teaches that there are patterns to follow, what was in the markets will be again. Following the pattern of the historical data. There are highs and lows of currency, knowing when you enter and exit. When to buy and what the peak means to a trader. These are lessons, skills and information that provides the excitement that can be seen on the face of participants. This information seems overwhelming when you start out, but Ashley and Tshepo start with the basic information. Your foundation is structured in this way to facilitate effective communication. The seminar becomes a relearning, innovation and answering the question, 'Is everybody with us?’ In this statement – lies the approachability of TDM’s leaders out of their league and convened due to aligning perspectives and frustration with the stale, abusive narrative. Not do you understand, are getting it? But are you with us?

After the theory session we were given a break. It is in this break where you experience trading beyond the numbers. In this time course conveners are speaking to traders, conversations about different topics and networking occurs. We find ourselves in a session that is given to grab a snack and stretch the legs. Traders in this time find bonding points, you see the excitement and readiness to start the journey. Groups are embracing the knowledge and speculation of markets continue. The office space is shifted to a place of recognition to the importance of connecting with people who share your passion. Even though this journey can be one of solitude, I quickly saw people connect as old friends meeting up after many years of distance.
You will hear experience being shared by course convenors and information being applied by participants. The earlier predictions are checked. Being right or wrong is not the issue. It’s the buzz around actually seeing how the theory works. Traders will express their loss; laughter comes abruptly, and silence sometimes hangs in the air. These changes in sound show the highs and lows. Confirms the way the currency changes, but the attention given in this time emphasizes the dedication needed to be a trader. Applause can be heard, questions and patience is experienced. Changes come as the group comes to the conclusion of the charts on their screens. This applause comes and goes as if to say I am proud of you, thank you for being on the journey with me and sticking through the highs and lows.
At the end of the day the vibrant office is filled with the thoughts/feedback of the day, the highs and lows are brought up again. Entering this space, I met people who are ready to empower and change the narrative of trading. I interacted with traders that have gained new knowledge, who are ready to control their financial future. While sitting with a trader applying the information from the first session and his mood changes’, indicating a loss. I ask what happened. He explains his loss but ends his sentence with “always a lesson, never a loss”. This is the empowerment of TD Markets Academy shown in real time. The understanding that loss is a lesson, and we can apply this to life.
At some point after the break the energy changes to sit down and follow the markets. Traders start to apply the information and theory. In real time seeing the markets go up and down, you are taught patience. With a voice announcing time and countdown to changes with different candles.